Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent  - Fabula Nebulae
Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent  - Fabula Nebulae
Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent  - Fabula Nebulae
Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent  - Fabula Nebulae
Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent  - Fabula Nebulae

Buzz Elsewhere! insect repellent

$ 13.99 USD

USE: Ruin the meal for hungry bugs. This light spray repels biting critters without chemicals and smells great. Shake well! Apply to exposed skin, avoiding eyes. Do not apply to children's hands or directly to face - spray on your hands and pat onto skin. Safe for children over age 3. Like any spray with essential oils, may discolor some clothing. Take care when using in windy areas. 

WARNING: Keep away from eyes. Do not apply to broken skin. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. If pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your health care provider prior to use. This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

INGREDIENTS: Aloe vera juice, witch hazel, non-GMO  soybean oil, vegetable glycerin, essential oils: lemon eucalyptus, cedarwood, geranium, litsea cubeba, spearmint, vanilla.